Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Extended Stay Hotel Software powered by Gatessoft Corporation

Extended Stay Hotel Software Consultation Philippines

Promo Price is for Reservations Module Lite Version ONLY. Inquire for Ai1 Lite, Deluxe, Premier package pricing. 

Attention All Extended Stay Hotels: In today’s digital economy, how can you risk executive decisions made on weeks to months-old information? 

Introducing Ai1, the world’s first all-in-one Extended Stay Hotel Software which also covers all aspects of Revenue, Inventory, Labor, and Accounting no other software needed. Ai1 is specifically engineered to give you key intel on your Extended Stay Hotel faster than ever before, including the fastest-ever financial statements, inventory and management reports within 24 hours. 

24/7 Local Filipino Support. Terms and Conditions apply.

Ai1 also covers the crucial business functions common to all businesses, including:
1. Transaction and Revenue Management.

2. Materials and Asset Management
Warehousing Inventory Control. 
Asset Management. 

3. Human Resources Management
Localized payroll.
Human Resources Information System.

4. Accounting. 
GAAP/IFRS Compliant
Seamless integration with all other modules.
No redundant entry. 

Now for the first time ever enjoy on-demand management reports right to your mobile phone. Anywhere in the world! Ai1. All-In-One. By Gatessoft Corp. Call now for a free, no-obligation demo. 

CONTACT US NOW: 02-501-5846

*Indicated price is not the actual price. Costs may vary depending on the transaction made and product purchased.

from Classified Ads Extended Stay Hotel Software powered by Gatessoft Corporation

Available link for download

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Falcao S2 523 Mamselle X 1970

Titulo: Falcao S2 523: Mamselle X (1970)
Num. Paginas:
Resolucao (media):
1327 x 1803


Agradecimentos: Obrigado ao/a Souzikas pelo trabalho de digitalizacao e tambem ao/a Gizmo pelo restauro!

Gostaste deste Post? Ajuda o
blog fazendo um Like! Obrigado!

Available link for download

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Endereços IP

Os endereços IP são números com 32 bits, normalmente escritos como quatro octetos (em decimal), por exemplo A primeira parte do endereço identifica uma rede especifica na inter-rede, a segunda parte identifica um host dentro dessa rede. Devemos notar que um endereço IP não identifica uma máquina individual, mas uma conexão à inter-rede. Assim, um gateway conectando à n redes tem n endereços IP diferentes, um para cada conexão.

Os endereços IP podem ser usados para nos referirmos a redes quanto a um host individual. Por convenção, um endereço de rede tem o campo
identificador de host com todos os bits iguais a 0 (zero). Podemos também nos referir a todos os hosts de uma rede através de um endereço por difusão, quando, por convenção, o campo identificador de host deve ter todos os bits iguais a 1 (um). Um endereço com todos os 32 bits iguais a 1 e considerado um endereço por difusão para a rede do host origem do datagrama. O endereço e reservado para teste (loopback) e comunicação entre processos da mesma máquina. IP utiliza três classes diferentes de endereços.

A definição de classes de endereços deve-se ao fato do tamanho das redes que compõem a inter-rede variar muito, indo desde redes locais de computadores de pequeno porte, até redes públicas interligando milhares de hosts. Na primeira classe de endereços, classe A, o bit mais significativo e 0 (zero), os outros 7 bits do primeiro octeto identificam a rede, e os 24 bits restantes definem o endereço local. Essa classe de endereços e usada para redes de grande porte, os endereços de rede variam de 1 a 256, e cada redetem capacidade de endereçar cerca de 16 milhões de hosts. A Arpanet e um exemplo de uma rede com endereços classe A. A classe B de endereços usa dois octetos para o número da rede e dois para endereços de hosts. Os endereços de redes classe B variam na faixa de 128.1 até 191.255 (os números 0 e 255 do segundo octeto, e 127 no primeiro são usados para funções especiais), e cada rede pode interligar cerca de 65 mil hosts.
Finalmente, os endereços classe C utilizam três octetos para identificar a rede e um para o host. Os endereços de rede situam-se na faixa de 192.1.1 até 223.254.254, e cada rede pode endereçar 254 hosts. Os endereços acima de 223 no primeiro octeto foram reservados para uso futuro.

O Protocolo IP (Internet Protocol) O IP foi projetado para permitir a interconexão de redes de computadores que
utilizam a tecnologia de comutação de pacotes. O ambiente inter-rede consiste em hosts conectados a redes que por sua vez sao interligadas através de gateways. As redes que fazem parte da inter-rede variam de redes locais (por exemplo, redes Ethernet) até redes de grande porte (por exemplo, a Arpanet).
Os gateways da Internet são também chamados de routers (roteadores). Ao contr rio do protocolo X.25, o protocolo IP e um protocolo sem conexões. Sua função e transferir blocos de dados denominados datagramas da origem para o destino, onde a origem e o destino são hosts identificados por endereços IP. O protocolo IP também fornece o serviço de fragmentação e remontagem de datagramas longos, quando necessário, para que eles possam ser transmitidos através de redes onde o tamanho máximo permitido para os pacotes e pequeno. O serviço oferecido pelo IP ‚ sem conexão. Portanto, cada datagrama IP ‚ tratado como uma unidade independente que não possui nenhuma relação com qualquer outro datagrama. A comunicação ‚ não-confiável, não sendo usados reconhecimentos fim a fim ou entre nós intermediários. Nenhum mecanismo de controle de erros nos dados transmitidos ‚ utilizado, exceto um checksum do cabeçalho que garante as
informações nele contidas, que são usadas pelos gateways para encaminhar os datagramas, estão corretas. Nenhum mecanismo de controle de fluxo ‚ empregado. Algumas das principais caracter¡sticas desse protocolo são: Serviço de datagrama não-confiável Endereçamento hierárquico Facilidade de fragmentação e remontagem de pacotes Identificação da importância do datagrama e do n¡vel de confiabilidade exigido Identificação da urgência de entrega e da ocorrência futura ou não de pacotes na mesma direção (pré-alocação, controle de congestionamento) Campo especial indicando qual o protocolo de transporte a ser utilizado no n¡vel superior
Roteamento adaptativo distribu¡do nos gateways Descarte e controle de tempo de vida dos pacotes inter-redes no gateway Alexandre Lopes - ALL, Endereços IP em Redes TCP/IP Toda interface de host ou nó em
uma rede TCP/IP ‚ identificada por um endereço IP exclusivo. Esse endereço ser utilizado para identificar o host em uma rede; ele especifica também informações de roteamento em inter-redes. O endereço IP identifica um computador como um endereço de 32 bits exclusivo através de uma rede TCP/IP. Um endereço ‚ em geral representado por uma notação de decimais separados por ponto, que representa cada octeto de um endereço IP como seu valor decimal e separa cada octeto com um ponto. Ex: ID de Rede e ID de Host Embora um endereço IP seja um valor único, ele contém duas partes de informações: a ID de rede e a ID de host (ou sistema) referente ao seu computador. -A ID de rede identifica um grupo de
computadores e outros dispositivos, todos localizados em uma mesma rede lógica, separados ou conectados entre si por roteadores. Em inter-redes (redes formadas por um conjunto de redes locais), há uma ID de rede exclusiva para cada rede. -A ID de host identifica o seu computador dentro de uma ID de rede espec¡fica. (Host ‚ qualquer dispositivo conectado com a rede que utilize TCP/IP) As redes conectadas com a Internet deverão obter uma ID de rede oficial na InterNIC para garantir uma exclusividade de ID de rede IP. Depois
de receber a ID de rede, o administrador da rede local dever tribuir IDs de host exclusivas aos computadores da rede local. Embora as redes privativas não conectadas com a Internet possam escolher utilizar seus próprios identificadores de rede, uma ID de rede válida da InterNIC permitir que uma rede privativa estabeleça conexão com a Internet posteriormente sem que seja preciso atribuir endereços novamente. A comunidade Internet definiu classes de endereços, de forma a acomodar redes de diferentes tamanhos. Cada classe de rede poder ser identificada a partir do primeiro octeto de seu endereço IP. A tabela a seguir apresenta um resumo do relacionamento entre
o primeiro octeto de um endereço espec¡fico e seus campos de ID de host e Id de rede. Ela também identifica o número total de IDs de rede e IDs de hosts para cada classe de endereço. Esse exemplo usar w.x.y.z para designar os bytes do endereço IP. Classes de Endereços IP Classe | Valores w | ID de rede | ID de host | Redes Disp. | Host/Rede A | 1-126 | w | x.y.z | 126 | 16.777.214 B | 128-191 | w.x | y.z | 16.384 | 65.534 C | 192-223 | w.x.y | z | 2.097.151 | 254 Nota: O endereço 127 ‚ reservado para teste de loopback e comunicações entre processos no computador local; não é um endereço de rede válido. Os endereços 224 e acima são reservados para protocolos especiais (IGPM multicast) e não podem ser utilizados como
endereços de host. Um host de rede utiliza uma ID de rede e uma ID de host para determinar qual pacote deve receber ou ignorar e para determinar o escopo de suas transmissões (apenas os nós com a mesma ID de rede suportam broadcasts no n¡vel do IP). Pelo fato de o endereço IP do remetente estar inclu¡do em todos os pacotes IP de sa¡da, ser útil para o computador de destino obter a ID de rede de origem e a ID de host do campo de endereço IP. Isso ser feito através de máscaras de sub-rede. []s,DP ___ * UniQWK #1151* A estrada do sucesso est sempre em obras !! - Máscaras de Sub-Rede As máscaras de sub-rede são valores de 32 bits que permitem que os destinatários de pacotes de ID distingam a parte ID da rede do endereço IP da ID do host. Assim como um endereço IP, o valor de
uma máscara de sub-rede ‚ com frequência representado em notação de
decimais separados por ponto. As máscaras de sub-rede são determinadas pela atribuição de bits 1 aos bits que pertencem à ID da rede e de 0 aos bits que pertencem à ID do host.Conforme tabela a seguir. Máscaras de Sub-Rede Padrão para Classes de Endereços IP Padrão -------- -- -------- ------ ---- ------- -- --------- -- ------ Classes | Bits | Máscara de Sub-Rede A | 11111111 00000000 00000000 00000000 | B | 11111111 11111111 00000000 00000000 | C | 11111111 11111111 11111111 00000000 | O resultado permite que o TCP/IP determine o host e as IDs de rede do computador local. Por exemplo, quando um endereço IP for e a máscara de sub-rede for, a ID de rede ser 102.54 e a ID de host ser 94.97. Embora a configuração de um host com a m scara de sub-rede possa parecer redundante depois de examinar as tabelas
anteriores (já que a classe do host pode ser facilmente determinada), as máscaras de sub-rede também serão utilizadas para segmentar uma ID de rede atribu¡da entre diversas redes locais. Por ex, suponha que seja atribuída a uma rede o endereço 144.100 de Classe B. Esse ‚ um dos mais de 16000 endereços da classe B capazes de servir a mais de 65000 nós. No entanto, a rede corporativa internacional à qual essa ID foi atribu¡da ‚ composta por 12 redes locais internacionais com 75 a 100 nós cada. Em vez de solicitar mais 11 IDs de rede, ser melhor utilizar a sub-rede para fazer um uso mais eficiente da ID 144.100 atribu¡da. O terceiro octeto do endereço IP poder ser utilizado
como uma ID de sub-rede, para definir a máscara de sub-rede Isso dividir o endereço de Classe B em 254 sub-redes; 144.100.1 até 144.100.254, cada uma delas com 254 nós. (As IDs de host 0 e 255 não deverão ser atribu¡das a um computador; elas são usadas como endereços de broadcast, em geral reconhecidas por todos os computadores). Qualquer um desses 254 endereços de rede poderá ser atribu¡do às redes locais internacionais nesse exemplo. Dentro de cada rede local, será atribuída uma única ID de host exclusiva, e todas terão a máscara de sub-rede O exemplo anterior demosntrou um esquema de sub-rede simples (e comum) para endereços de Classe B. Eventualmente será necessário segmentar apenas parte de um octeto utilizando apenas alguns bits para especificar as IDs de sub-rede (como quando as sub-redes excedem 256 nós). Cada usuário dever verificar com o administrador de rede local para determinar a diretriz de sub-rede da rede e a máscara de sub-rede correta. A
máscara de sub-rede deverá ser a mesma para essa ID de rede em todos os sistemas da rede local.

By: Hacker Moderador

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ESET Smart Security 6 0 308 0

ESET Smart Security 6.0.308.0 Free Download
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ESET Smart Security was designed to be complete solution in the field of computer protection against infiltrations and attacks. Eset Smart Security offers more than just a sum of its parts - it is synergy that matters most. If all components are used simultaneously, the effectiveness of the whole program is multiplied. ESET Smart Security unifies all its functions to create a complex security solution.

ESET Smart Security is based on three basic pillars:

ESET NOD32 Antivirus + Antispyware
· This component is in fact an improved version of the award-winning scanning engine of NOD32 Antivirus. With respect to programs unprecedented scanning speed, the following improvements have been made:
· Improved system of cleaning and deleting infiltrations. The antivirus system now intelligently cleans and deletes infiltrations with no need for user interaction.
· Computer scan can be run in background in order to use only a part of system resources. Thus scanning will not affect the performance of your computer and you will be able to work on it as usual.
· The resident protection supports archive scanning.
· Update optimization, smaller update package size than in version 2.7, more effective management and protection of update files against damage.
· Email protection for users of Outlook Express.

ESET Personal Firewall
· Firewall monitors all traffic between a protected computer and other computers in the local network and in the Internet. High quality protection is provided by the following functions:
· Scanning of application protocols HTTP and POP3 (used for Internet browsing and for retrieving email from servers) for infiltrations.
· Checking low-level network communication which helps to avoid many of various remote attacks.
· Ability to recognize the character of network connections established by various types of infiltrations and ability to automatically terminate them.
· Filtering of incoming and outgoing communication based on user defined rules.
· Monitoring changes in executable files.
· Interactive and automatic mode. The former enables you to create your own filtering rules, the latter filters all communication automatically.
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ESET Anti Spam
· ESET Anti Spam serves to filter unsolicited email, which makes your work with email more effective. The key features of the ESET Anti Spam are:
· Support for the RCF email format
· Supports several scanning techniques including the combination of Bayesian filter, virus signatures and user defined rules.
· Supports the creation of Blacklist and Whitelist.
· Integration with the Microsoft Outlook messaging and collaboration client.
· Ability to control multiple messages simultaneously. 

You need to have credentials to download ESET Smart Security. Click here to request them and an email with a username and password will be sent to you shortly.

Here are some features of ESET Smart Security:
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Smarter Scanner:
· Threats dont always enter in ways you expect. ESET Smart Security inspects SSL-encrypted communication channels like HTTPS and POP3S, and intelligently scans compressed files to find threats that other products miss. ESETs Smart Optimization feature makes file scanning faster than ever.

Time-saving Firewall:
· New Learning Mode saves time by automatically creating firewall rules by observing how end users use the network, while offering advanced firewall modes for power users. Pair customized firewall profiles with trusted network zones and have appropriate firewall rules applied automatically based on detected network presence.

Trusted Zone Authentication:
· Identify trusted network zones by network configurations (a configurable combination of host/DNS/DHCP server IP address, wireless SSID, connection profile, etc) or securely authenticate into a network using ESET Authentication Server.

Upgraded Antispam:
· ESET Smart Security now takes care of annoying spam with a smaller, faster, and even more effective spam filter.
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Removable Media Security:
· Threats can enter your PC from removable media such as USB thumb drives. For self-running media, ESET Smart Security scans autorun.inf and associated files when the medium is inserted, in addition to scanning any file on any removable device when it is accessed, or during a full-scan of the media.

System Tools:
· ESET SysInspector and ESET SysRescue simplify diagnosing and cleaning of infected systems by allowing deep scans of system processes to find hidden threats, and creating bootable rescue CD/DVD or USB drives to help you repair an infected computer.

Self Defense:
· ESET Smart Security has built-in technology to prevent malicious software from corrupting or disabling it, so you can rest assured your system is always protected.

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· Microsoft Windows XP:
· 400 MHz 32-bit (x86)/ 64-bit (x64)
· 128MB RAM of system memory
· 320 MB available space
· Super VGA (800 x 600)
· Microsoft Windows 8, 7, Vista, Home Server:
· 1 GHz 32-bit (x86)/ 64-bit (x64)
· 512MB RAM of system memory
· 320 MB available space

· 30-day trial

Whats New in This Release:
· Fix: Outlook plugin crashed in specific situations
· Fix: SSL scanning issue with certain type of data

Click to Download:

ESET Smart Security 6.0.308.0 -x86 (MSI)

ESET Smart Security 6.0.308.0 - x64 (MSI)

Available link for download

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Tuesday, November 29, 2016

First photos with Rebel XTi

Took the new camera out last night to one of my favorite locations to test it out. For an entry level camera it handles very nicely - especially at night - since the large lcd screen on the back does double duty as the information screen as well. There are also a few nice little touches, such as a count-down for the self-timer and the cut-out sensors when you bring your eye up to the viewfinder. Overall I was very impressed.

The vertical grip creaks and groans a bit, especially given my usual 5D experience, but the battery power seems consistent and I dont think its likely to break anytime soon. The fit with the camera seems ok, and it certainly handles better with it attached.

The lenses autofocus quickly and reasonably quietly, although I didnt really get a chance to push them to the limits given I was shooting landscapes. Sharpness appears to be acceptable from the results so far, but I will do more tests against my 17-40 f4L soon. That will be a real test.

So far so good. I enjoyed using the camera very much, and it has an excellent user interface. Kinda wish some of the features were on the 5D as well. I can tell Im going to enjoy using it, and will hopefully use it a lot more soon. More thoughts and pictures when I do.

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Flex Enable Unicode in Flex Builder Debug Console


Never found this problem? sure if you not working with other language! in my case Thai language never show up properly event i try to change font setting, thats mean Debug console view didnt support UTF-8 nor any other Unicode, after googling i found this link safe my time ;)


Lets try with Flex Builder! (Window XP)
1. locate your C:Program FilesAdobeFlex Builder 3FlexBuilder.ini
2. add this line -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
3. save and restart Flex Builder
4. trace something and continue enjoy coding

FYI : its say "??????" (Sawadee) mean "Hello" in Thai language


Maybe try some Alchemy 
hmm....should be fun there ;)

Available link for download

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Edius 5 11 vitacene new bilu fx


Before using the SOFTWARE, please read all clauses of this Software Site License Agreement ("AGREEMENT") carefully. Subject to acceptance of all the terms and conditions of this AGREEMENT, Thomson Canopus Co., Ltd. ("Thomson Canopus") hereby grant to You (either an individual or a legal entity) the right and license to use the SOFTWARE. This AGREEMENT constitutes a valid and binding agreement between You and Thomson Canopus. You shall be deemed to have been agreed to and entered into this Agreement by clicking electrically on the ACCEPT button or the YES button or similar button. If You disagree to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, You must cease the use of the SOFTWARE by clicking electrically the DECLINE button or the NO button or similar button.

1.1 "SOFTWARE" means the Thomson Canopus software product provided to You along with this AGREEMENT, which includes computer software and may include associated media, printed materials, "online" or electronic documentation, and copy protection technology, collectively.
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6.1 You may not sell, assign, sent, rent, lease, distribute, export, import or sublicense the SOFTWARE.
6.2 Other than as set forth herein, You may not make or distribute copies of the SOFTWARE or electronically transfer the SOFTWARE from one computer to another or over a network.
6.3 You may not modify or translate the SOFTWARE without the written consent of Thomson Canopus.
6.4 You may not reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or otherwise reduce the Software to a human-perceivable form the SOFTWARE.
6.5 You may not use the SOFTWARE to infringe the copyright or other intellectual property rights of Thomson Canopus or any third party in anyway.

7.1 If You are installing the SOFTWARE as an Upgrade of a prior release of the same SOFTWARE which was installed on the same computer, Your rights under the prior license agreement for the SOFTWARE shall be automatically terminated, and all or any of Your use of the SOFTWARE (including its prior versions) are solely under the terms of this AGREEMENT.
7.2 Nothing in this AGREEMENT will be construed to warrant or imply that any Upgrades shall be produced for the SOFTWARE.

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Epson R360 Waste Ink Pads Counter Reset Key Update Epson Resetter

Epson R360 Waste Ink Pads Counter Reset Key - Update

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Epson R360 Waste Ink Pads Counter Reset Key

If your Epson R360 printer shows error message “The Printer’s Ink Pads at the end of Their service life” and your Epson R360 printer has red light blinking error: You have to download and reset your Epson R360 printer Waste Ink Counter with WIC Reset Utility Tool (how to…

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You can download wic reset utility and get resetkey at

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Epson Stylus Office T1100 Review

Epson Stylus Office T1100 adalah sebuah printer yang dihadirkan guna memenuhi kebutuhan cetak untuk beragam ukuran dengan kualitas prima (namun tetap dengan harga terjangkau). Epson T1100 memiliki kemampuan mencetak, mulai ukuran 4R (10,2x15,2 cm) hingga A3+ (32,9x48,3 cm), dengan kualitas tinggi. Printer ini mampu mencetak poster, grafik, dan diagram atau tabel besar pada ukuran kertas A3, sama baiknya dengan mencetak pada kertas berukuran lebih kecil.

Epson Stylus Office T1100 mampu mencetak hingga resolusi 5760x1440 dpi berkat teknologi pencetakan bersistem tetesan tinta berukuran variabel (Variable-Sized Droplet/VSDT) yang tertanam di dalam teknologi print head Epson Micro Piezo. Metode ini digunakan untuk mendapatkan hasil gradasi gambar yang sangat halus, baik untuk dokumen, foto hitam putih maupun berwarna. Tidak ketinggalan ditanamkan pula teknologi tinta DURABrite Ultra (yang membuat hasil cetak dapat bertahan lama dan tidak luntur meskipun terkena air). Epson mengklaim hasil cetak dengan tinta ini tahan pudar hingga 120 tahun lamanya.

Cara reset manual Epson Stylus Office t1100

Jika Epson Stylus Office t1100 indikasi lampunya berwarna orange...itu menandakan minta reset tintanya....mulailah googling tuch nyari resetternya  dengan memasukkan keyword “resetter epson t100 free”....karena masih suka gratisan.

Udah dapet dicobalah resetter digunakan.....hasilnya keukeuh lampu orange Epson Stylus Office t1100....walah ternyata malah gak mujarab resetternya.
Dicobalah berbagai cara yang biasanya digunakan untuk reset manual printer...dan salah satunya ternyata berhasil...cekidot caranya:

  • Catridgenya semua diangkat dan dipasang kembali
  • Tekan tombol sebanyak 5 x
  • Ternyata lampu orange berubah jadi hijau...dan gubrak...printer kembali dapat mencetak dengan lancar....

Problem: Pada printer epson t1100, hasil nya tidak bagus pada hal prinhed sudah diganti.
Pada proses cleaning terakhir, tinta nya kluar dari pompa tempat print head.

Solusi: Pastikan printer sudah selesai proses charging. Kalau lampu printer masih berkedip tandanya printer masih charging (bth waktu kira-kira 20 menit). Periksa juga kran tinta yg ada di tabung infus, apakah sudah dibuka.Kedua hal tersebut diatas menyebabkan tinta tdk mengalir ke cartride. Atasi saja secara manual dg cara mengisikan tinta ke dlm cartridge dg menggunakan spuit.

Available link for download

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Monday, November 28, 2016

FireFox A Refreshing Change

Mozilla Firefox - A Refreshing Alternative to IE

Part - I (Introduction)
Microsoft Internet Explorer have been the dominant web browser for past few years. Initially it had competition from Netscape Navigator but the scene quickly changed with Microsofts marketing and bundling of IE with Windows operating system and soon it became dominant web browser on desktop with Netscape Navigator having negligible share . But with dominance the past few years have seen little new innovative features in the IE with Microsoft trying to fix leaky IE instead. Bugs and security fixes have become way too common and spywares and adwares have been trying all hard to make IE a miserable experience,making people scream for alternatives. Mozilla Firefox Provides them with a perfect alternative to their IE woes and Providing features that makes browsing a truly pleasureful experience. Further it works seamlessly on Linux,Macs and number of other operating system.

Mozilla Firefox began with an effort to create a strip down version of the bloaty Mozilla Web Browser ( Mozilla was Open Source version of Netscape navigator Web Browser) by Dave Hyatt and Blake Ross. Firefox started to become immensely popular with it registering 100 million download within year of launch of its version 1.0 . The popularity continued to increase with 1.5 Version Registering 2 Million Download within first 36 Hours of release. Firefox in short has been a phenomenon both on Windows and Linux . It has been one of the biggest success story of the open source movement. Now it occupies close to 10 % of Web Browser market quiet a achievement considering it turned mature just few years back. Lets examine some of the features that make firefox so immensely popularIn Internet explorer every now and then we have been frustrated with the popup advertising windows but firefox comes with a unique tool that enables one to block popup ads when it is enabled.

Also one of the most popular feature of the firefox has been tabbed browsing allowing one to quickly open different webpages in the same window allowing to quickly move back and forth on the open webpages.Also an extension of tabbed browsing is ability to set multiple webpages as home page each opening in its different tab so that when you click home button all the webpages open .

Opened tabs can be easily dragged and dropped to sort in order you want

Also one nice feature is Built in Search bar that allows one to quickly search different web search engines with ease.One feature that may impress people who search a lot is ability to drag selected text ,word in webpage directly toBuilt in Search Bars searchbox to search for it instantly,without firing your searchengine and typing he text thus saving time.

There is provision for easy and quick removal of all your history and your secret information with one click .

LinkAlso not a mojor difference but searching text in webpage is much easier with search tool bar at bottom of screen rather than a dialog box in IE.

Firefox can be easily upgraded via its update system and with version 1.5 you dont need to download entire firefox for updated version but instead it could be patched to include latest changes ,a nother nice feature considering how new flaws are being discovered in software .Also mozilla organization is much faster to correct flaws found in the browser as compared to internet explorer. Also they offer 500 $ and Mozilla T-Shirt to anyone who discover bugs in the mozilla source code under its Bugs Bounty Program.

But one of the most powerfull and popular feature of firefox is its ability to extend firefox functionality via the use of extension which can be installed with quiet ease and there are extensions available for a variety of purposes. Installing firefox extensions is as easy as clicking their link using firefox.

Here I demonstrate installing of popular extension (DownthemAll ( is a kinda Download Manager.

1. You first go to the webpage using firefox :

2. There Click on the Install Button a Wizard appears follow the instruction and install it accordingly.

3, After Installation the nasty part restarting Firefox for extension to become active

Though standard firefox installation dosent come with plugins installed but they can be installed quiet easily.
Firefox is extremely small in size as compared to IE . It is just 4.9 MB as compared to IE 6 which is over 75 MB in size. Small size dosent mean it has any less feature than IE but it dosent come preinstalled with JVM , Shockwave,Flash etc plugins which have to be installed externally.

Further Firefox supports a large number of Spoken languages thus making it truly international and helping it to reach a large non-english speaking public .

RSS feeds popularly used by News websites and Webblogs to provide summary of content of website with links ,it is also used by software like aggregator to allow users to track changes and updated news items . Firefox comes with built in support for RSS . All Websites that support RSS a Orange Icon is Show in the addressbars right end clicking it one can add the RSS feed to bookmark.

In short I would say Firefox is a perfect getaway for users of Internet Explorer who have been frustrated by bugs,viruses,adwares,popups and for those who just want to stand out of the crowd of IE using people.

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Article (C) 2006 Ambuj Varshney
For: -

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